
Wasteland 3

SPOILER ALERT AND NSFW ALERT: This review contains spoilers and expletives.

I knew I was going to like Wasteland 3 about half-way through the tutorial. At one point, the tutorial shows you enemy detection works in the game. The tutorial text reads:

"Look out, there’s a big ass robot ahead! Luckily, it doesn’t see you yet. Stay out of its detection range to go unnoticed. You can get the first turn in combat by attacking an enemy before it’s spotted you. However, we cannot stress enough how badly that robot will fuck you up right now."

Screenshot of a Tutorial in Wasteland 3

Maybe I’ve had a sheltered existence in terms of video games, but I believe this is the first time I’ve encountered tutorial text that includes swearing, and was so hilarious. The game gets weirder from there, including a cult dedicated to former President Ronald Reagan and gangs whose members dress up in Halloween costumes.

Over the 44 hours of play, this CRPG features turn based combat where either you or your enemies whole team takes their turns before the other team gets to have any turns at all. This means that getting the drop on your enemy, or your enemy getting your drop on you, can easily make the difference between a team wipe or success.

There are some very NSFW and funny interactions available to you throughout the game, which include gratuitous violence, drug use, and bestiality.  While there are often alternate ways to accomplish some of the mission goals, they are far more limited and readily telegraphed to the player than they are in Baldur’s Gate 3, which lends the game more of a linear-narrative feel versus the near simulator level of options you find in the latter game.

What it lacks in verisimilitude though it makes up for in attitude. The music is wonderful, including in the DLC a wonderful cover of the theme song of the 1970’s sitcom Laverne and Shirley. The DLC I highly recommend. The DLC adds another 8 hours of gameplay which includes not only some new missions but also some new mechanics which are interesting to figure out and exploit.

There were a few game breaking bugs which forced me to go back to an earlier save point (in particular I encountered enemies which refused to make a move a few times), but nothing that made me lose more than 30 minutes. If you’ve played out Baldur’s Gate 3 and enjoyed it, the next time Wasteland 3 is on sale give it a try, you won’t regret it.